Saturday, November 21, 2009

A new face of college’s life and a glimpse of future

After a long while, here I am back. Yes this time many massive things happened with me, first thing the person, on whom I was trying to believe, came with a new face like selfish and self centered. And second I recently recovered from viral fever, the experience was very pathetic of this fever. What stamina I lost in this fever, will take time of more than 6 month to recover. And the one reason of no new posting is busy schedule; don’t ask how our college life is this time, sorry school life. Since continuous last two semesters we have to pay fine on class bunk. No college like feelings in us, we are in 4th year and we have to attend class only to improve marks, indirectly to improve college’s ranking. Mean we are the medium of making more money at each donation at admission time. The college administrator is not concerned with our job, only they have a large board of companies in which our few seniors are working what they made it through their own way. Thank God that time this system was not there, otherwise they would be somewhere on the road in place of any company. First lab used to be a part of daily curriculum now, our college have more courses, for that they don’t have class room to conduct class. So lab period and lab activities have been compromised and now in lab regular classes are being conducted. And lab work is going in only on file’s pages. Definitely college administrator is intended to produce a good quality batch of unemployeed technical labor in place of a batch of confidance engineers. And when we will be out from this college we’ll have degree and unemployement as the farewell gift.

Few peoples are very smart they have aimed for GATE and CAT but I don’t know how they are going to make up themselves for these when they don’t get chance and time from regular 5 classes and plus few extra class. Ok no more praise for college otherwise it is going to affect my internal marks if any teacher goes through this blog.

Ok I want to tell you about one senior he is my favorite one whom I met before some days ago. I will not go epesodic let me start from meeting. For you people this meeting might seem ordinary but it was extraordinary for me. When I met him I could not believe I am talking with the same person or some one other. I still remember his one year’s before face always smile on lips, a good sense of humour and having clear vision for future. But this time everything was difference about him. I have never seen him in such a under confidance, his face were having haunted expression. “ Sir problem kya hai, aap me wo shine kyun nahi hai jo mai dekhna chahta hun.” I pried. He responsed, “ I am perfect Pradeep.” It was me, how can I admit that he is perfect. Ok Sir! Leave it I am not going to ask anything from you about your health. Let’s talk about my career. He agreed on that. From the conversation it became clear that he is very much frustrated, it is obvious that having degree of B.TECH with honour and no job yet. Seeing that I could not wait any longer and gave him some tips to get rid off from this problem. Before some days ago I met him now this was the same what I know, I asked, “ How are you sir?”

“Fuck this damn way of asking condition, I am right dude”, he said in his accent. And I know it he use such type of sentence when he is full of confidance. He told me he is learning the very popular technology .NET and approximate making more than 8000 Rs. in a month. I have self satisfication and condemnation too that my suggestion work properly with other and never go smoothly with me. I am satisfied that I have solved my favorite one’s problem and most probably he will have job untill or unless but the most people what will be doing after this four years’ graduation.

As you can agree on this that we are going to out from this college as a technical labor not as an engineer. No extra talent with us except good marks as our college administrator is doing abortive attempt to improve our result. But administrator is not intended to conduct any special course which can be usefull for our future nor giving time to us to it ourselves. And the best of luck to those peoples including me who filled the GATE and CAT’s form for their examination. Because how they are going to make up themselves for these examinations after everyday attending 5 or 7 period in college? It might be possible that our administrator will have provision to conduct revision class and want to give leave to preparation only for 4 days for end semester.

Really this idea seems brilliant!!!!

And the new thing is now on and shocking is that my gilrfriend is getting married soon and she gave me her marriage card. I could not understand whether this was her marriage card or the dead certificate of my love.